Gratitude and Helpful Advice for Essential Health Care Workers
Health care workers are under an exceptional amount of stress. Here are some mental health resources.

Handling Coronavirus Uncertainty
Many people are predisposed to respond with greater physical distress to anxiety – learn how to manage more effectively

Keep Calm and Snuggle On: Feelings Should Be Front and Center
Reflections from a child therapist on how to balance thoughts, behaviors, and feelings; core components of CBT.

Finding Calm in Times of Chaos
Suggestions for how to handle this stressful time during the pandemic

Coronavirus Anxiety: How To Cope
Anxiety over the coronavirus is rampant, but there are actions you can take to help quell your anxiety

Orthorexia – The “Healthy” Eating Disorder
Orthorexia is best described as an obsession with healthy eating that goes well beyond what is balanced and necessary

Loneliness Can Impact Mental Health
Loneliness resulting in depression, insomnia and anxiety is frequently reported as the underlying reason for seeking therapy or medication

Effective Use of Intensive Exposure Treatment for Phobias
Phobias are highly treatable and respond especially well to Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Exposure Therapy.

Give to the ADAA on Giving Tuesday
Giving Tuesday is the “global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world”. This Giving Tuesday, consider giving to The Anxiety and Depression Association of America.