We are currently seeing patients both in-person and via teletherapy. Of course, we are carefully monitoring recommendations from the CDC and local departments of health, and will continue to revise our plans if necessary. Teletherapy will continue to be an option for both current and new patients, as we segue into a hybrid model of care.
New patients will be asked their preference prior to scheduling, and will be connected with an appropriate therapist who can accommodate their needs. Please contact the specific office you are interested in to find out about each clinician’s schedule. You can also check with your insurance company to confirm that they will cover teletherapy.
Teletherapy has been an effective and convenient alternative to in-person appointments. Our psychologists and psychiatrists have expertise in treating adults and children, and our child specialists are trained to offer age-appropriate treatment to children and teens who are feeling particularly isolated as pandemic concerns continue. New patients are welcome.
Safety/COVID-19 Precautions:
- Cleaning protocols and ventilation in all of our offices are based on current CDC recommendations for prevention of viral transmission.
- All clinicians and administrative staff who are medically able are fully vaccinated.
- Anyone entering our offices will be asked to remain masked while in the common areas. We will continually evaluate the need for masks in our offices.
- All patients will be encouraged to come to their appointment at the time of visit, to limit the amount of time spent in our waiting areas. Our signage will have COVID-19 symptoms listed as a reminder that anyone symptomatic should not enter the offices.
- Any person, client or clinician, will return to telehealth sessions if they experience any illness symptoms or if they or a member of their household tests positive for COVID-19.