Meditation can be a very useful tool to help us all stay in the present moment and not spin into catastrophic worrying. Many of our most respected meditation teachers are now offering free resources to help us all get through these difficult days. Jon Kabat-Zinn, the founder of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is offering live streams at 2pmET each day this week: CLICK HERE or to listen to recorded sessions – CLICK HERE
Dan Harris, of 10% Happier and ABC News, is offering daily ‘sanity breaks’ and has a website with a free coronavirus sanity guide: CLICK HERE
The Awake Network has a long list of free meditation resources: CLICK HERE.
Regardless of which meditation you choose, please try to do what you can to take care of your mental health with daily exercise, meditation, and connection with others. If you’re struggling and need additional help, we have clinicians available to provide care via video conferencing.
Stay safe and healthy.