Offering 2 New Professional Development Webinars focused on treating BIPOC clients. 

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Offering 2 New Professional Development Webinars focused on treating BIPOC clients. 

Past Event

“Good Enough Parenting” – Webinar Series 2



Intended for:

Parents of Teens

Date / Time:

Fall 2021 and Winter, 2022



We are pleased to offer child psychologist Abigail Romirowsky’s ‘Good Enough Parenting’ series again over the next few months. Dr. Romirowsky initially offered these virtual programs last year and they were so well received, by both parents and fellow therapists, that we are repeating the age-segmented series again.

As we try to balance the needs of our children, safety concerns with the pandemic, uncertainty, and our own mental health,​ it is even more essential to support parents in being “good enough”. Research suggests that is much healthier for children when parents do a ‘good enough’ job, rather than striving for the mythical perfect version of parenting.

Lessons learned in this webinar are intended to be applicable both during and after the pandemic, taking different forms as the world changes and as your children get older. Sessions are divided by age range, so that relevant issues will be addressed for different developmental stages.

Attendees are not expected to have attended any prior webinars in the series, however previous attendees may still find value in participating. ​Dr. Romirowsky has made tweaks to the programs based on feedback from prior attendees, and we know that returning to school and the continuing pandemic have brought on new challenges for all parents.

The sessions are offered in a Q&A style discussion via ZOOM, and will not be recorded. Questions can be posed ahead of time or live via chat.

As both a child psychologist and a fellow “doing her best” parent, Dr. Romirowsky values creating a warm and inviting atmosphere for these webinars. Feel free to “come as you are”, in sweats, multi-tasking or curled up with a cup of tea. Attendees can choose to participate with your camera on or off and/or to change your zoom screen name depending on your privacy concerns.

Expected “hot topics” and registration options for each session are listed below.

Good Enough Parenting with Teens:
Monday, January 10, 2022

  • healthy screen use
  • emotional development
  • self-esteem
  • peer relationships
  • balancing search for autonomy and ongoing need for limits/structure
  • changing nature of parent role
  • sleep


Parenting toddlerGood Enough Parenting with Toddlers:
Monday, Oct 11, 2021

  • healthy screen use
  • sleep
  • tantrums
  • routines
  • eating


Good Enough Parenting with Elementary Aged Kids:  Monday,  November 8, 2021

  • healthy screen use
  • emotional outbursts
  • self-esteem
  • peer relationships
  • supporting academic development
  • limit-setting


parenting tweensGood Enough Parenting with Tweens:
Monday, December 13, 2021

  • healthy screen use
  • emotional development
  • self-esteem
  • peer relationships
  • supporting academic development
  • limit-setting


For more information, please send us an email at [email protected].


Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions (SPACE) Screening Form

Thank you for your interest in our SPACE-informed parenting group. Our group is designed to work with parents of children whose primary difficulty is anxiety with related avoidance behavior. Please answer the following questions so that we can gain a better understanding of you and your child.

Rx Refill Request

Please be advised that the turnaround time for prescription refill requests is no more than 48 business hours.  This means anything received on Friday will be completed no later than the same time the following Tuesday (assuming that Monday is not a holiday).  If you cannot give us that much time, please call the office as soon as possible and do not use this form

REACH Screening Form

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