Offering 2 New Professional Development Webinars focused on treating BIPOC clients. 

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Offering 2 New Professional Development Webinars focused on treating BIPOC clients. 

Dr. Salcedo is quoted in WSJ Article about the Efficacy of Antidepressants


Some people who have been on the same antidepressant for years may find that it suddenly stops working. Identifying the right solution can be difficult and largely trial-and-error: Some patients may need a higher dose of the same medication, while others may need to try a new drug or a new combination of drugs, doctors say.

Our medical director, Dr. Salcedo, is consulted in this article on reasons why people may need to try other options to impact their symptoms. She suggests that increased stress may contribute, and offers additional ideas including therapy and supplemental medications that can help the patient.

Read more here: Wall Street Journal: Why Your Antidepressants Seem to Stop Working and What to Do About It

Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions (SPACE) Screening Form

Thank you for your interest in our SPACE-informed parenting group. Our group is designed to work with parents of children whose primary difficulty is anxiety with related avoidance behavior. Please answer the following questions so that we can gain a better understanding of you and your child.

Rx Refill Request

Please be advised that the turnaround time for prescription refill requests is no more than 48 business hours.  This means anything received on Friday will be completed no later than the same time the following Tuesday (assuming that Monday is not a holiday).  If you cannot give us that much time, please call the office as soon as possible and do not use this form

REACH Screening Form

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