There are so many articles now in the national press about how to deal with coronavirus anxiety. We will try to share those posts that we find most relevant and actionable, and continue to update this page with helpful resources. Check back often and follow us on social media to stay up-to-date.
General Coronavirus Anxiety: (specific articles for PARENTS included in the section below)
- Reentry Anxiety – how to cope – Self
- Irrational fears after the Covid Vaccine? – NYT
- Do we even know how to socialize anymore? – NPR
- Pandemic fog getting to you? Try these strategies to focus – PBS
- What is the appropriate level of covid anxiety? – ADAA
- 10 Sneaky ways your coronavirus anxiety is coming out – HuffPost
- It is time to start planning to manage holiday stress which is sure to be more difficult for some this year: USA Today
- As days get shorter, and the pandemic rages on, pay attention to seasonal changes in your mood: NYTimes
- Coronavirus Depression Spike Suggests Social Media Is No Substitute For Real Life: Forbes
- Very good advice here – stop doom-scrolling and read a book!: Fortune
- Great interview with Esther Perel on relationships during a pandemic: New Yorker
- Help when the news about Covid-19 is affecting your mental health: Huff Post: 7 Self-Care Tips If The News Cycle Is Pummeling You Right Now
- How to overcome mask anxiety: Cleveland Clinic
- Help with managing uncertainty in uncertain times: NYT
- Anxiety and Depression rates have tripled during the pandemic: WUSA9: How you can help yourself
- There is going to be a “Second Wave” of Mental Health issues due to COVID. Read this article for resources on where to get help: CNN: Second Wave
- Doing What Matters in Times of Stress – An Illustrated Guide created by the World Health Organization: WHO – Stress management guide for coping with adversity
- Has the coronavirus exacerbated your health anxiety? The Hill: Health Anxiety in the Time of Covid
- The mental health impact of Coronavirus is tremendous – these groups are working to help: American Psychological Association
- How to deal with anxiety as the country reopens: Tips for Coping
- How can radical acceptance help during the pandemic? Radical acceptance can improve your mental health in difficult times
- Drinking has increased during the pandemic – are you or someone you love showing signs of addiction? NPR: Increases in addictive behaviors
- Building resilience is important for all of us during these times: NYT – In a crisis, we can Learn from Trauma Therapy
- Watching news can be anxiety provoking- you need to stay informed, but you also need to protect yourself: Protect Your Mental Health While Watching the News
- Good evidence for exercise as a tool for managing anxiety: Article from Psychology Today
- Many of us are stressed and upset during this pandemic. Do your symptoms indicate that you need treatment? Dr. Salcedo offers advice on what’s needed to diagnose and treat depression, and when it’s time to seek treatment from a health professional. – Am I Depressed Quiz – Insider Magazine
- Here’s a fabulous video that offers some hope for our future: The Great Realization
- Breathing and relaxation exercises can help minimize your stress during the coronavirus pandemic: Breathing exercises to help during stress: Philadelphia Inquirer
- So many great resources here for getting through this challenging time from New York Magazine: Everything You Need to Feel Okay Right Now, According to Therapists
- The Wellness Society has created a great self-help resource in the form of a handbook for dealing with anxiety: Coronavirus Anxiety Workbook
- The VA and the National Center for PTSD have released an app called COVID Coach. This is a free resource full of coping/stress management techniques as well as information on staying healthy and safe. It’s currently available in the App Store, and an Android version is expected soon. Although designed for the veteran/Active Duty population, it is just as useful for the general public. Learn more: COVID Coach APP information
- More great ideas for managing coronavirus anxiety: Grounding Techniques to Manage Strong Emotions
- At The Ross Center, we are active members of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), which continues to publish helpful content to guide us through these challenging times. This article by our colleague Ken Goodman, LCSW, offers 10 practical strategies to reduce anxiety: Top 10 Anxiety Reduction Strategies
- From the Center for Healthy Minds at the University of Wisconsin—Madison, we found another ‘Top 10’ article by Pelin Kesibir, PhD, that offered straightforward guidance for getting through this tough time: 10 Tips for Well-Being
- New insights on grief from David Kessler, the world’s foremost expert on grief, from the Harvard Business Review: That Discomfort You’re Feeling is Grief
- Here’s terrific animation by Dr. Russ Harris, author of the international best-seller The Happiness Trap, on how to use ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) to deal with the fear and anxiety from Coronavirus: FACE COVID – How To Respond Effectively To The Corona Crisis
- For those who suffer from OCD, the concern over germs can exacerbate symptoms. We have clinicians at The Ross Center with expertise in exposure therapy if you are struggling with OCD: From the New York Times: How OCD and the Coronavirus Collide
- Our colleague Kelly Donahue, PhD is offering a free on-line mini-course titled Managing the Stress and Anxiety Around COVID-19, which includes actionable tools to cope: Enroll Here
- To keep stimulated while staying home, we recommend perusing the expansive catalogue of Ivy League classes available on-line for free: Free Ivy League Courses
- From our colleague Selena Snow, some great advice for motivation during coronavirus: Top 5 Motivating Tips to Get Out of Bed
- This excellent infographic is being shared widely on social media, although unfortunately no one seems to know the original creator. It’s a wonderful reminder of how we should all try to move from fear into learning and growth to enhance our mental health.
For Parents:
- How to help your adolescent to think about the last year – NYT
- Dating during the pandemic – how to help your kids – Child Mind
- Help kids combat anxiety and loneliness during the pandemic – Today
- Every step of the pandemic has been tough on parents, including the weirdness of reopening – HuffPost
- How to handle tantrums, anxiety, and other pandemic parenting challenges – PBS
- This article will help parents help their children cope with PandemicParenting – Washington Post
- Parents! Good news about long term effects of quarantine on your children! – NY Times
- This is a great blog for parents during covid from Steven C Hayes using principals of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy –
- Talk to your teen about depression during the pandemic – NBC Washington
- This is a great guide for kids for dealing with stress during a pandemic – NPR
- Parents – be careful of overusing alcohol to deal with pandemic anxiety: Washington Post
- The Pandemic is a Mental Health crisis for parents: NYT
- Beautifully written article on how to talk to your children when you don’t have the answers: The Atlantic
- Parenting a child with OCD during the pandemic is even more challenging. Great advice here from several experts: NYT
- We need to pay a lot of attention to the mental health of our teens: NPR
- Parenting in a pandemic is not easy! NYT: A difficult balancing act
- Good advice on managing your temper: Washington Post: Stressed pandemic parents
- Real Advice from real Moms on Parenting during a Pandemic: Yahoo: Yahoo: Top Parenting Pandemic Hacks
- Psychologist moms create helpful resource for pandemic parenting: Washington Post – Pandemic Stress offers webinars and the latest science-based research
- Great suggestions for parenting in a pandemic: NYT – How to prepare for distance learning
- Kids need help fostering resilience – here is how: NPR – Kids Feel Pandemic Stress Too
- Teens are struggling more than ever these days: Washington Post – How to help teens feel heard during this uncertain time
- Excellent advice from pediatricians: New York Times – How are you telling your children stories about the pandemic?
- Parenting in the age of coronavirus is exhausting: Huffpost – It’s not just you – parents are numb right now
- Loving how @DanielTigerTV and @PBSKidsPBS are helping kids get through this time: People – Daniel Tiger Coronavirus Pandemic Episode
- How to handle your child’s anger during the pandemic: Huff Post – Why Kids are Angrier during the Pandemic
- Guidance to help your children build resilience during this tumultuous time: The Atlantic: Tell Your Kids the Truth About This Moment
- Great tips here to help children dealing with stress and coronavirus: NPR: How to Reduce Stress in Children Stuck at Home This Summer
- If your child is showing signs of anxiety, this article offers some helpful advice: 4 Ways to Help Your Anxious Kid.
- Powerful life skills our kids can learn during this adversity – 4 Life Skills Parents Can Teach Kids Amid The Coronavirus Pandemic
There are a wealth of resources to keep your children engaged and stimulated. Here’s a curated list:
- NPR Wow in the World Podcast for kids/families to learn about CoViD-19
- Nationwide Children’s articles: How to talk to children about CoViD-19
- The Autism Educator: Education about Coronavirus for children with autism
- Kids Activities Blog: Long list of educational companies offering free subscriptions
- The Science Mom: Daily 2-hour educational videos about science
- Cleveland Inner City Ballet: Free virtual ballet lessons
- Playbill: Watch 15 Broadway plays and musicals online
- Kennedy Center: Learn to draw with Mo Willems, artist
- Cincinnati Zoo: Daily videos with featured animals
- Cosmic Kids Yoga: Free yoga and mindfulness videos (and on YouTube)
- Go Noodle: Movement and mindfulness videos
If you have articles that you think would be valuable for us to include on this list, please email us at [email protected].
Be well and stay safe!