
Parent Program
1 Hour Program Recorded on 10/15/24. Register below to access the recording.
Free webinar for parents with practical strategies to support their child with ADHD

Parent Program
Recorded Webinar – Recorded on 8/23/24
Free webinar for parents with supportive tools to use to help your anxious child before returning to school

Parent Program
Webinar Recorded 05/24/24 – 1 hour
Free webinar to help ease your child's worries about camp, with effective tools for parents to use with their children

Professional Development
3 CE for psychologists nationwide, social workers in VA, DC and NY, and CHES professionals
Webinar Recorded 5/24/24 – 3 hours
We discuss the use of interactive media, including social media and video games, and how to create more effective interventions for clients and family members.

Professional Development
1 CE for Psychologists, Social Workers, & Certified Health Educators
Webinar Recorded 9/29/23 – 1 hour
Expert psychiatrist leads training on mental health and the problematic use of internet and video games

Recorded Podcast – 1 Hour
Listen to this podcast on how parents can monitor, control, and support their children's use of social media and video games

On-Demand Webinar
On-Demand Webinar Recording
Dr. Romirowsky discusses strategies to help parents cope with the pandemic - recorded May, 2020

On-Demand Webinar
Free – No CEs
Recorded Webinar – 1 Hour
Learn how to incorporate ACT concepts into your clinical repertoire to help clients move toward more meaningful lives.

On-Demand Webinar
On Demand Webinar Recording

On-Demand Webinar
On-Demand Webinar Recording
Boost your family's resilience and learn to address post-pandemic anxiety in your child and yourself

On-Demand Webinar
On-Demand Webinar Recording
This webinar will teach you to change your relationship to stress and experience relief and a sense of calm.
Past Events

Past Event
3.5 CE for Psychologists, Social Workers, and CHES Specialists
Past Event
Expert psychiatrist leads training on mental health and the problematic use of internet and video games

Past Event
1.5 CE’s for Psychologists
Past Event
Learn to assess when cyber bullying is occurring and strategies to effectively help the victim

Past Event
Fall 2021 and Winter, 2022
Stop striving for perfection! Learn age-appropriate strategies for Tweens: Dec 13, Teens: Jan 10th.

Professional Development
Free – No CEs
Recorded Webinar – 1 Hour
A FREE zoom workshop for therapists who want to learn about medications used to treat children and adolescents.

Parent Program
Past Event
Realistic Pandemic Parenting: A conversation with a child psychiatrist regarding the unique characteristics and challenges of parenting teens

Past Event
Monday, February 8th, 2021: 8:15pm – 9:15pm
A virtual support group for parents, offering concrete strategies that you can integrate into your daily parenting life

Past Event
Thursday, March 5th, 2020. 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Learn to navigate the continuum of child mental health services, including an overview of assessment and treatment options.

Past Event
Stay tuned for upcoming dates
Acquire valuable strategies for minimizing your child’s anxiety in this workshop led by Ross Center Child Psychologists in NYC.

Past Event
Thursday, November 21, 2019 – 7:00pm
This important documentary addresses the impact of depression in black males, and will be followed by a panel discussion of therapists and filmmakers.

Past Event
Wednesday, November 20th, 2019. 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Join Ross anxiety experts at Fusion Academy for a panel discussion on strategies for classroom and social anxiety.

Past Event
October 23rd, 2019. 12:00pm – 1:00pm
This webinar will review the three most common sources of school anxiety—and how to help your child overcome them.

Past Event
May 2nd, 2019, 6:30 – 9:00 pm
The Ross Center and Potomac Pathways will be co-sponsoring the new LIKE documentary, a film about the impact of social media on our lives. Ross Center clinicians, Avy Stock and Maura Roll, will be part of a panel discussion and Q&A following the film.

Past Event
Thursday May 16th, 2019: 7:30 – 9:00 PM
Sleep Away Camp Survival 101: Parent Edition. Parents will learn how to prepare their children for going away to camp, and given tips and strategies for managing their child's anxieties before leaving home for the first time.

Past Event
March 21 (High School) – April 4 (Tweens) – May 30 (Preschool/Early Elementary) 2019. 6-7:30pm
Join us for a free parenting series kicking off this spring in our N. Virginia office.